Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book - On Line
Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book - On Line


Jay Shri Mataji!

Download books and Sanskrit materials related to Sahaja Yoga free. 

- Chris Marlow (ed.)

The pdf's on this site are in English script with fully notated Sanskrit and English translations. All the Sanskrit documents have been researched by our team and retranslated where necessary. Everything is formatted in large font with narrow margins for easy reading on screen.

The Sacred Books are also available to download as Word files. Go to the 'Sacred Books' page and click on the 'Word Files' link 

A Word version of the 'Divine Message' (all Shri Mataji's talks, writings and quotes as a single document) can be downloaded from

the SY Books page.

For the full and latest pdf version plus compilations of Shri Mataji's talks

on various topics, visit: 

Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide
This contains both a short and a more detailed pronunciation guide. It also explains the IAST based Sahaj notation system used in all our documents. 8 pages. pdf. updated 22-05-24.
Sanskrit Notation and Pronunciation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [349.7 KB]
Sanskrit Words used in Sahaja Yoga
Translations and subtle meanings of the Sanskrit terms we use in Sahaja Yoga such as the names of Chakras, Deities, etc. 8 pages. pdf.
Glossary of Sanskrit words in Sahaja Yog[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [163.8 KB]

What's new....

Materials added in the last three months:-

The 1000 Names of Shri Dattatreya. 

The 1000 Names as a poem has been added and the list of names updated. 12-12-24. 

(Deities - Other Deities). 

The Ramraksha. 

In Sanskrit with the original SYMB English translation reworked. 24-11-24

(Deities - Shri Vishnu page). 

The 1000 Names of Shri Karttikeya as a poem. For reciting or singing. (Deities - Shri Ganesha and Karttikeya page). 24-11-24.

The 1000 Names of Karttikeya (list) has also been updated and the introductory verses included. 3-12-24.

Sahaja Bhajan Book 

New file as some of the notes did not appear in the old one! Updated 17-10-24.

Tripura Rahasya -Ramana Maharshi's favourite book. Updated pdf and Word, 3-06-24. (Sacred Books page) 

Sharada Chatus-shati - '400 verses of the Supreme Mother'. pdf and Word files. Updated 29-05-24. (Sacred Books page) 

SY Joke Book.

Updated with a couple of new items, 29-05-24.

The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley.

A remarkably insightful book explaining the underlying basis of all religions. 22-05-24. (Sacred Books page)

Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide - updated with IPA symbols. 22-05-24. (Home page) 

Songbooks Page - all the SY Songbooks are now on their own page including the 'Songs'. 

Navaratri - slightly revised and updated 17-10-23 (SY Books page)

SY Songbook 2024 - Four new songs and more translations. Updated 29-11-23 (SY Books page)

Shri Chakra - No.4 in the RiSY Books series, updated with some new chapters on Sacred Geometry, Mudras, etc. (SY Books page)

The Poems of Kabir - This updated file contains not only Rabindranath Tagore's '100 Poems of Kabir' with the full Hindi text, but also a selection of Kabir's couplets and quotations by Shri Mataji. (Sacred Books)

The Saundarya Lahari - by Adi Shankaracharya. A new translation by Sahaja Yogis with some commentary and background information. (Sacred Books) 

Older Material includes:-

The Ten Primordial Masters - the Lives and Teachings of the Ten Adi Gurus. RiSY No.7. (SY Books) 

The Divine Message - All Shri Mataji's talks and writings as a single Word document. (SYBooks)

Family Planning in Sahaja Yoga (SY Books)

Sai Satcharitra - The life and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi (Sacred Books)

Guru Charitra - The life of Shri Narasimha Saraswati (1378-1459) (Sacred Books)

The Word files of these two books have also been uploaded.


Home page

Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide

Glossary of Sanskrit words in SY

Names and Praises of the Deities

Sets of 108 and 1000 names

Sanskrit praises

Short Introductions to the Deities (coming soon........)

SY Books 

- available to download

  • Sahaja Yoga Songbook
  • S Y Mantrabook
  • Sahaja Yoga Joke Book

'Researches in Sahaja Yoga'  books on Sahaj topics:

  1. Om Namaste Ganapataye
  2. Shri Lalita Sahasranama
  3. The Three Worlds
  4. Shri Chakra
  5. Bija Mantras
  6. Navaratri
  7. 10 Adi Gurus

Sacred Books

A Selection of English translations of Sacred Books including:-

  • Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam
  • Dhammapada
  • Devi Mahatmyam
  • Poems of Kabir
  • The Bible - selected books

Audio files 

8 versions of the Ganesha Atharva Sheersha + slide-show

Pronouncing the name Ganesha


- and Discussion

Some short articles on Sahaj topics:-

  • Deeper states of meditation
  • The Purpose of Life
  • Identity
  • Nirvikalpa
  • and others

Add your view in the 'Discussion Forum'

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