The pdf's are in English script with fully notated Sanskrit and English translations, checked and updated by our team;
all in large font with narrow margins.
The 'Divine Message' (all Shri Mataji's talks, writings and quotes as a single document) (Word file) is on the SY Books page.
For the full and latest pdf version plus compilations of Shri Mataji's talks
on various topics, visit:
Contents of Pages:
SY Books - Mantrabooks, Divine Message, RiSY Books (Om Namaste Ganapataye, etc.)
Sacred Books - Scriptures from all religions, spiritual and philosophical books (Dhammapada, Perennial Philosophy, etc.)
Deities - Sets of 108 and 1000 Names, and other praises.
Most of the books are available as Word files. Click on the 'Word Files' link on the Sacred Books page.