Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book - On Line
Sahaja Yoga Mantra Book - On Line

Articles and Discussion

These articles and comments written by members of our editorial team, or sent in by readers, aim to present a balanced view of spiritual life and Sahaj Culture.

Please respond with your views to

Any material appearing on this site may be used without copyright, but we ask that it is not substantially altered to distort the original meaning.

At present it is only possible to view the documents by downloading them.

Deeper States of Meditation
Thoughtless Awareness is only the start..... (Updated 18-02-22) 3 pages. pdf
Deeper States of Meditation.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [116.5 KB]
The Purpose of Life
When one glimpses the Purpose of Life it is strange to find that the answers were written down thousands of years ago and are available at your local library. (Updated 18-02-22) 3 pages. pdf.
The Purpose of Life.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [190.1 KB]
What was Jesus called?
It seems the English version is the furthest from the original...... pdf. 6 pages. Updated 18-02-22.
What was Jesus called.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [205.7 KB]
The Significance of the Cross
An investigation into the Christian Cross as the symbol of the Agnya Chakra which Shri Mataji refers to as 'the evolved form of the Swastika' (updated 18-02-22) 5 pages. pdf.
The Significance of the Cross.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Man in Search of an Identity
A discussion on how we might view ourselves. The answer we give will depend on our level of evolution.... (Updated 18-02-22) 7 pages. pdf
Man in search of an Identity.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [186.9 KB]
Doing - Help or Hindrance?
Our lives are increasingly busy. Is this helping out spiritual evolution? (Updated 18-02-22) 7 pages. pdf
Doing - Help or Hinrance.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [230.0 KB]


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  • Ashish Kumar Singh (Thursday, March 21 19 08:48 am GMT)

    Jai Shree Matajee
    Thank you

  • PRADEEP HB (Thursday, November 15 18 03:46 am GMT)

    Jai shree Mataji...Excellent

  • NELSON GUILLEN (Sunday, October 28 18 02:48 pm GMT)

    Incredibly simple and clear, graceful way to improve understanding of nature, its source, our real selves and the reason behind our motivation as seekers. Thank you and please keep up this excellent work

  • Sahaji (Thursday, October 11 18 09:28 am BST)

    Thank you very much, Chris Marlow. I really like the effort that you have put in to compile the book 'Om Namaste Ganapataye'.

    I especially like the Sanskrit part of Shri Ganesha Atharvashirsha mantra, as I always thought that writing in Sanskrit is the coolest thing to do, apart from writing in Chinese and Japanese. Those are the ancient languages which are still living today. That must be something great in them.

    Hope everything is going well for you. May God bless you!

    Jay Shri Mataji.

  • Barnali Sarkar (Tuesday, March 20 18 09:37 am GMT)

    It's amazing!!! No word to say!!!!! Mother bless you.

  • Megha (Thursday, March 08 18 02:48 am GMT)

    Thank u so much for these material....i really want it...jsm

  • Lata Nair (Thursday, January 11 18 05:22 am GMT)

    Amazing... great compilation thank you so much...Jai Shri Mataji

  • Panna Patel (Friday, December 29 17 10:43 pm GMT)

    JSM! Excellent website with great material.

    Thank you

  • suhas sawant (Wednesday, October 25 17 08:16 am BST)

    jsm ji.. thank you so much

  • Akash Deep Singhal (Wednesday, October 18 17 08:51 pm BST)

    I came across 'Deeper States of Meditation' through Sahaj Resources []. I was amazed by such beautiful description of meditation. I searched for 'Chris Marlow' which made me land here. I am glad there are other resources too. Going to read those next. But seriously Wow! The article is very beautifully written. Jai Shree Mataji! :)

  • Yuanxin Du (Sunday, September 03 17 02:08 pm BST)

    Thanks for shareing these Nirmala Vidyas.I will send it for Chinese Sahaja yogis.
    Jai Shri Mataji🙏

  • omprakash patidar (Friday, August 18 17 11:15 am BST)

    jai shree mataji
    Thanks for sahaj yoga material in one place

  • puňta (Wednesday, December 28 16 02:16 pm GMT)

    Thank you. Is there any (SJ or compatible) book about how to start playing a musical instrument? In a way of AUM tradition? (

  • sridevi (Monday, December 19 16 10:51 am GMT)

    Very very intersting subject.. this morden life .

  • MANOJ KUMAR VENTRAPRAGADA (Monday, September 12 16 07:10 pm BST)

    There is no words to tell about the website. Simply it is a great website for true instruments of mother.

  • Carlos Figueira (Saturday, July 23 16 02:30 am BST)

    thank you for all this sahaj yoga material. blessings to all JSM

  • Greg Moeliker (Wednesday, November 25 15 05:55 am GMT)

    Great website and documents. I have been very impressed with your books. Keep up the good work.

  • Jharna (Thursday, October 29 15 11:01 am GMT)

    Excellent resources compiled at one place !

  • Pardsanin Nairmaleya (Monday, October 05 15 08:23 am BST)

    Jayatu Jayatu Shri Jaganmata Shri Adishaktih Shri Nirmala Mata
    i really don't know how to express my gratitude to your dedication in this aspect.
    Sanskrit language has also attracted me so much too.
    and if possible, if there is anything i can help you with this, plz don't hesitate to request.
    Helping you provide this knowledge would be the privilege that i shall cherish it for the rest of my life.

  • Indresh singh Parihar (Thursday, August 27 15 02:09 pm BST)

    I am thankfull to Shri Mata ji that I am getting an opportunity to read these experiences and guidelines.

    Thanking U.

    With hugging regards.

    Jai shri mata ji.

  • oceandrop (Monday, August 03 15 12:08 pm BST)

    Thank you very much for all your job in this site.

  • Chandra Sekhar (Tuesday, July 21 15 04:24 am BST)

    THIS is your Sahaja Seva!
    Shree mataji knows where to get work done well :).

What's new....

Materials added in the last three months:-

SY Mantrabook- 2025. Revised and updated, now with a 'click' index. 15-02-25.

The Shiva Kavach. 

The powerful praise with an all-new translation. 7-2-25. 

(Deities - Other Deities). 

The 1000 Names of Shri Dattatreya. 

The 1000 Names as a poem has been added and the list of names updated. 12-12-24. 

(Deities - Other Deities). 

The Ramraksha. 

In Sanskrit with the original SYMB English translation reworked. 24-11-24

(Deities - Shri Vishnu). 

The 1000 Names of Shri Karttikeya as a poem. For reciting or singing. (Deities - Shri Ganesha and Karttikeya). 24-11-24.

The 1000 Names of Karttikeya (list) has also been updated and the introductory verses included. 3-12-24.

Sahaja Bhajan Book 

New file as some of the notes did not appear in the old one! Updated 17-10-24.

Tripura Rahasya -Ramana Maharshi's favourite book. Updated pdf and Word, 3-06-24. (Sacred Books page) 

Sharada Chatus-shati - '400 verses of the Supreme Mother'. pdf and Word files. Updated 29-05-24. (Sacred Books page) 

SY Joke Book.

Updated with a couple of new items, 29-05-24.

The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley.

A remarkably insightful book explaining the underlying basis of all religions. 22-05-24. (Sacred Books page)

Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide - updated with IPA symbols. 22-05-24. (Home page) 

Songbooks Page - all the SY Songbooks are now on their own page including the 'Songs'. 

Navaratri - slightly revised and updated 17-10-23 (SY Books page)

SY Songbook 2024 - Four new songs and more translations. Updated 29-11-23 (SY Books page)

Shri Chakra - No.4 in the RiSY Books series, updated with some new chapters on Sacred Geometry, Mudras, etc. (SY Books page)

The Poems of Kabir - This updated file contains not only Rabindranath Tagore's '100 Poems of Kabir' with the full Hindi text, but also a selection of Kabir's couplets and quotations by Shri Mataji. (Sacred Books)

The Saundarya Lahari - by Adi Shankaracharya. A new translation by Sahaja Yogis with some commentary and background information. (Sacred Books) 

Older Material includes:-

The Ten Primordial Masters - the Lives and Teachings of the Ten Adi Gurus. RiSY No.7. (SY Books) 

The Divine Message - All Shri Mataji's talks and writings as a single Word document. (SYBooks)

Family Planning in Sahaja Yoga (SY Books)

Sai Satcharitra - The life and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi (Sacred Books)

Guru Charitra - The life of Shri Narasimha Saraswati (1378-1459) (Sacred Books)

The Word files of these two books have also been uploaded.


Home page

Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide

Glossary of Sanskrit words in SY

Names and Praises of the Deities

Sets of 108 and 1000 names

Sanskrit praises

Short Introductions to the Deities (coming soon........)

SY Books 

- available to download

  • Sahaja Yoga Songbook
  • S Y Mantrabook
  • Sahaja Yoga Joke Book

'Researches in Sahaja Yoga'  books on Sahaj topics:

  1. Om Namaste Ganapataye
  2. Shri Lalita Sahasranama
  3. The Three Worlds
  4. Shri Chakra
  5. Bija Mantras
  6. Navaratri
  7. 10 Adi Gurus

Sacred Books

A Selection of English translations of Sacred Books including:-

  • Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam
  • Dhammapada
  • Devi Mahatmyam
  • Poems of Kabir
  • The Bible - selected books

Audio files 

8 versions of the Ganesha Atharva Sheersha + slide-show

Pronouncing the name Ganesha


- and Discussion

Some short articles on Sahaj topics:-

  • Deeper states of meditation
  • The Purpose of Life
  • Identity
  • Nirvikalpa
  • and others

Add your view in the 'Discussion Forum'

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There is no copyright on any of this material which is for the emancipation of humanity. However we request that material is not reprinted in a form to substantially alter its meaning or intended purpose.